
CAC has the best staff
If we may say so ourselves!
Our staff help make CAC the magical place that it is and are one of the many reasons our campers return year after year.
Our staff are mature, hard-working, and creative. They aim to make every day the best for their campers.
All of our staff are 19+, with the exception of our 18 year old Junior Staff members who have completed our extensive Youth Leadership Program and are mentored by our more experienced staff.
Staff come from all over the world
From Australia to Ireland, to New Zealand and Colombia, we have an incredibly diverse staff team. This diversity allows us to bring different cultures and life experiences to Adventure Island, enriching your child's experience.

Extensive training
Spring and summer training is provided by our directors and leadership team to ensure our staff are well equipped with the skills required to work at summer camp. We are extremely proud of our staff and the work they do at Canadian Adventure Camp. All staff are certified in First Aid. All counsellors are Bronze Cross Lifesaving Society certified and many have their National Lifeguard certification. Our coaches have received specialized training and certification in their fields.

Counsellors are hired for their ability to work with children. Most of our staff are university students or graduates, and all of them have a multitude of program qualifications along with lifesaving and first aid.
Each counsellor lives in a cabin with their campers, even observing the same bedtime as the cabin group!
With a minimum hiring age of 19, the average age for our counselling staff is 22. Our overall camper-to-staff ratio is better than three to one.

Highly Qualified Coaches
All coaches are selected for their extensive backgrounds in their respective fields and their passion for working with children. Coaches are fully certified with the appropriate designations for their specialty. Our coaches provide an appropriate balance of fun and instruction to make learning new skills and training an enjoyable experience.
What our parents say...
Stories were all about how much our daughter loved her cabin life & counsellor.
What our campers say...
My favourite specialty coaches were Keeley, Quinne, Jordan and Gaby because they always make camp a fun environment and they are great teachers.
CAC is my second home, have been coming for 7 years and plan to keep coming! The staff has always been there for me, and I think of them almost like a family! I cannot imagine my life without CAC! They have made me the person I am today!
I love camp! It is like my second home! In my first year, I was homesick, but my counsellor and the staff really helped me forget about it. Camp is like a little community where everyone is always is living in the moment because nobody knows what has happened in the last year and yet you never feel a disconnect after you have not seen each other in a year. Plus, you get to learn about cultures from different countries since there are international campers! I would not be the extroverted and independent person I am today if I did not go to camp!
I love camp so much and love everyone who made camp amazing especially all the staff and I hope everyone returns.