International Camp Staff
Do you want a summer job in a place like no other?

International Staff at CAC
19+ years old
Every year, we welcome staff from all over the world to join our team on Adventure Island. We value our international staff and what they can bring to our camp family. They are an integral part of what we strive to provide for our campers every summer. Join us for 2025!

Canadian Work Permits
While you will need a work permit to work in Canada for the summer, don’t stress about the logistics - we provide all the necessary paperwork and support you will need! You might be planning to stay in Canada longer than the summer and are applying for a Two-Year working holiday visa. However, if the summer is enough for you, we can provide you with a camp-specific work permit that will allow you to work at CAC.

What we do for you...
As an international staff member at CAC, you will be provided with plenty of support from our Leadership Team, many of whom started as international camp counsellors coming to CAC for the first time.
We provide:
- Work Permit Support & Paperwork
- Staff Training (before and after you arrive in Canada)
- Qualifications (if your role requires you to have a First Aid or Lifeguard certification)
Hear what our international staff have to say...
When I landed in Canada for my first year at CAC, I was a bag of nerves. As soon as I met the CAC team, I immediately felt part of a community and family who welcomed me with open arms. Working at CAC has completely changed my path in life and I am forever grateful that I took that flight in 2016!